1- Princess Snow White & The Prince (aka Prince Ferdinand) (1937)
2- Cinderella & Prince Charming (aka Prince Henry) (1950)
3- Princess Aurora & Prince Phillip (1959)
4- Princess Ariel & Prince Eric (1989)
5- Belle & Beast (aka Prince Adam) (1991)
6- Princess Jasmine & Aladdin (1992)

7- Pocahontas & John Smith (1995)
8- Mulan & Li Shang (1998)

9- Tiana & Frog (aka Prince Naveen) (2009)
10- Princess Rapunzel & Flynn Rider (aka Eugene Fitzherbert) (2010)
11- Princess Merida (2012)
Princess Merida is the first ever princess to not have a love interest.
12- Expected Future Princess - Anna (2013)
Eleven Oficiall Disney Princess in "Deluxe Princess"